"Community mental health support"

About: Adult Mental Health Community

(as a service user),

I met with my Community Psychiatric Nurse three weeks ago. They were going on holiday so we made a plan for support while they were away

The first weekend that they were away I ended up in A&E after self harming badly and was told that my community mental health team would ring me for support the next day but they didn’t and I didn’t receive any support

We had planned for another CPN to ring me half way through my CPNs holiday but they didn’t. I rang to leave them a message a few times asking them to contact me as I was struggling but they never rang me back.

My CPN is back at work and I thought I had my usual day and time appointment with them today but when I got there they had gone on a visit and wasn’t available

I have had contact with the crisis team on a number of occasions over the past week. I have been very distressed, harmed myself and have been spending the nights in my car

I am struggling and need some support but feel like there isn’t any

If the Community Mental Health team don’t follow a plan and don’t respond when you clearly need support where are you supposed to go? I’m feeling unsupported, suicidal and so very alone with everything. It is a horrible way to feel and if it was any other illness apart from mental health I’m sure I wouldn’t be left to suffer


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Update posted by madperson (a service user)

It’s been over a week and still no response. My past experience of using Care Opinion has always been so positive and supportive and I have never not had a response before

Feeling confused and unsupported

I really thought my complaint was a valid one and wanted so much to find a positive way forward to resolve this but I guess it is just not going to happen and I might as well just give in. Feels like life is just not worth it

Response from Marion Taylor, Operational Manager - City Community Services, Adult Mental Health, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 6 years ago
Marion Taylor
Operational Manager - City Community Services, Adult Mental Health,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 03/09/2018 at 16:49
Published on Care Opinion on 04/09/2018 at 09:47

I am so sorry that you have not received a response from our services to your post. I am keen that you speak with someone from your local mental health team (LMHT) to enable you to get the right support you need at this time. I would also encourage you to contact your local crisis team to access support if it is after 5pm and urgent.

If this does not feel possible at this time please email me at: marion.taylor@nottshc.nhs.uk and I would be more than happy to help you to resolve your difficulties you are experiencing with accessing timely support from your LMHT. Together we can identify which team you should be receiving care from and ensure they are aware of the difficulties you are currently experiencing and make every effort to improve the level of service you are receiving.

Marion Taylor, Service Manager

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