I arrived with my grand daughter at Blue Waiting area for an appointment to see the Optician. No one was at the reception desk. Another member of staff came over from Green Area. I said hello but there was no feed back. They took my appointment letter, processed it, then threw it in the bin without asking if I wished to keep it. Then they told me to sit until called.
The Optician was very good with my g/daughter, telling me on my way out to make an new appointment for November. I approached the regular Receptionist saying hello and asking to make an appointment, Again, I got no response, and then was given a date and time to attend. I thanked them and said good bye, but they didn't reply.
So my experience of your Reception staff is one of disappointment. The impression given is one of total disregard for dignity and respect. In the private sector, staff are trained to be polite but in the NHS they appear not to bother. Please tell your staff that they will be expected to be polite to people.
I'm not impressed with the training in C/Hospital when it comes to courtesy and good manners.
"No response"
About: Crosshouse Hospital / Ophthalmology Crosshouse Hospital Ophthalmology KA2 0BE
Posted by diddle doddle (as ),
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Update posted by diddle doddle (a parent/guardian) 6 years ago
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