You texted me after a blood test and told me that my cholestrol levels had risen 'slightly' but did not give me the actual results. I tried to reply to the text (it did not say I couldn't) but I gather that this can't be done. Then I thought I would try emailing but that's not possible either - no obvious link on your website. I spoke to the receptionist on the phone who told me I would need to come and get a print-out. I asked if it could be emailed but the answer was no.
This is such a tiny, simple thing. Why could the result not simply have been put in the text and why can it not be sent to me electronically?
Your new telephone appointment system is quite 21st century but your supporting systems are still very 20th!
"Text message was useful but not informative enough"
About: Barton House Group Practice Barton House Group Practice Stoke Newington N16 9JT
Posted by Busy person (as ),
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