We often refer to service users being on a recovery journey and as mental health professionals we consider ourselves privileged to be able to walk along side individuals on this journey.
I firmly believe that mental health services are on a recovery journey of their own and service users are walking along side us helping us to look at the world differently, challenge ourselves and others, set goals and aspirations and have choice and opportunities for improvement. Most of all, through their feedback, service users give us hope that we are making a difference to an individual's experience of mental ill health and recovery.
When an individual has left the ward and put time aside to complete an online Patient Opinion posting this is something to be celebrated and means far more than can be put in to words.
When the ward is challenging and we begin to question our abilities it is these postings we rely on to give us hope and the strength to carry on.
"Ward B2 and patient's opinions"
About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Nottingham NG3 6AA
Posted by Simfr5 (as ),
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