4. 5 years have passed since I entered the system begging for help and for any other therapy but cbt as it's never helped over the decades . It took 3 years to have formulation and then be discharged without therapy as Leigh provide only one type of therapy and believe it works for everyone . I've tried other trusts and unable to access any other therapy. So I'm back on a waiting list for cbt as I cant just stay ill and continue losing years of my life stuck I need help. Ive helped myself all I can and its become obvious im not progressing or recovering as it's one step forward 2 steps back something needs to change and I feel it's not within my resources . Lost 4. 5 years of my life. Really need support guidance ect . Never had any information on support groups, mental health groups courses nothing. I'm beginning to wonder why this team is called "The Recovery Team "
When I ring they dont ring back as they promise. What services do they provide for patients with Mental Health Problems? And how do they help people recover? There's no information available any where on line about types of therapy or support available ....places like the sanctury are not for me I presume they only offer cbt! However years ago I use to see pictures up in the waiting room of the recovery star ...what's that all about? . I also wonder is it even acceptable in the NHS to wait so long? I despair. If I had 2 broken arms and 2 broken legs I guarantee I wouldn't wait 4. 5 years for treatment. But I'd rather be left with that than unresolved untreated mh issues.
"Pennington unit Recovery Team Leigh"
About: Pennington Unit Pennington Unit Leigh WN7 1HS
Posted by Dire strates (as ),
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