"Pennington unit Recovery Team Leigh"

About: Pennington Unit

(as a service user),

4. 5 years have passed since I entered the system begging  for help and for  any other therapy but cbt as it's never helped over the decades  . It took 3 years to have formulation and then be discharged without therapy as Leigh provide only one type of therapy and believe it works for everyone  . I've tried other trusts and unable to access any other therapy. So I'm back on a waiting list for cbt as I cant just stay ill and continue losing years of my life stuck I need help. Ive helped myself all I can and its become obvious im not progressing or recovering as it's one step forward 2 steps back something needs to change and I feel it's not within my resources    . Lost 4. 5 years of my life. Really need support guidance ect  . Never had any information on support groups, mental health groups courses nothing. I'm beginning to wonder why this team is called "The Recovery Team "

When I ring they dont ring back as they promise.  What services do they provide for patients with Mental Health Problems? And how do they help people recover? There's no information available any where on line about types of therapy or support available ....places like the sanctury are not for me  I presume they only offer cbt! However years ago I use to see pictures up in the waiting room of the recovery star ...what's that all about? .   I also wonder is it even acceptable in the NHS to wait so long? I despair. If I had  2 broken arms and 2 broken legs I guarantee I wouldn't wait 4. 5 years for treatment.   But I'd rather be left with that than unresolved untreated mh issues.

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Response from Katherine Earlam, PALS Officer, North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 5 years ago
Katherine Earlam
PALS Officer,
North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 24/05/2019 at 15:46
Published on Care Opinion at 16:15

Dear Dire strates

Thank you for the taking the time to post your comments.

My name is Katherine Earlam and I am a PALS officer/Complaints Team Leader for the Trust.

I was very sorry to hear of your experiences and I would like to offer my apologies.

I would like to assure you that this is not the level of service we expect as a Trust.

Your comments will be passed onto the team and I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you so that I can help to resolve your concerns.

My contact details are:

Number: 01925 664450

E-mail: complaints@NWBH.nhs.uk

My hours of work this week: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Once again I would like to thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience. We sincerely value your feedback as this will help us to improve our services for other people in the future.

Kind regards

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by Dire strates (a service user)

This is the level of service though. The Recovery team have actually been great at responding to calls it's Ince that are shaming the service in that area. However, how can you resolve this?!? This is the reality this is the Mental Health System and this is the level of service that the Mental Health System provide's in this area. There is nothing that can be done within the Trust resources it's clearly a massive funding issue as well as issues with availability of treatment types being massively limited.

Cbt is not one solution for all. I've literally scoured the Internet for local support recovery systems there's nothing in the NHS. I know this must be a big funding issue as down South Patients are offered a far greater services and have a say in a variety of psychological therapies earlier intervention and longer courses of therapy Ive heard it first hand. Feels like I'm living in a post code health lottery. I'm unbelievably fustrated and I do believe my self attempts at recovery keep failing due to the lack of support. I've fell down so many times when I've almost been on my feet - the reason the same issues are still that were over 4 years ago.

Honestly I feel robbed of my life by the NHS as I feel they have a duty of care and have let me down as a human. I hand on heart know for sure if I God forbid had a brain injury I'd of been on a rehabilitation plan 5 years ago. If I showed the Director of Mental Health my ring binder file of entries trying to obtain therapy and meds they'd be uproar or maybe they wouldn't maybe all patients are going through this battle for support round here.

I feel sorry for the less fortunate as I've felt unbelievably unwell for 4 years and found it horrific but deep inside me I do hold a fighting spirit without that or my family I wouldn't be here as the Mh system haven't been there when I've needed them including A and E and the crisis team and assessment team and certain psychiatrists I feel unbelievably let down, I'm sure there's not one Medical professional on your team who'd not be distraught to think their family member had to go through the system in the way I have my heart breaks when I look back.

I'm getting to the point of thinking I need to give up trying to get help. I've been so determined and so willing for so long I'm literally exhausted fighting for help

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