"I feel they really don't care"

About: Foundation House

(as a service user),

Recently I experienced a major crisis and nearly died because of my poor mental health. I was on a ventilator. Afterwards, I was offered no mental health care.

I had a bad experience with them several years ago, and have no faith or trust in them and they told me back then they could offer me nothing as they said I was too complex for them.

They still go by the same care plan as back then, which is 5 years old. It feels like they really do not want to help anybody.

I feel let down by their attitudes. I feel they don't really care.

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Response from Associate Director of Mental Health & Learning Disability Services, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 5 years ago
Submitted on 20/08/2019 at 13:41
Published on Care Opinion at 13:49

Dear scorpiusce36,

Thank you for taking the time to let us know of the experience that you had recently and I apologise that you weren't offered any mental health care. You haven't informed us which hospital you were admitted to, but there are now psychiatric liaison teams in both Musgrove Park hospital and Yeovil District hospital who are able to see patients who are referred by their medical teams and who require a mental health assessment. It is possible that you were not referred to these teams, but if you wish for me to look further into this, Iam happy to do so - please email the Patient Advice and Liaison team (PALS) pals@sompar.nhs.uk and they will pass on your details to me.

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Update posted by scorpiusce36 (a service user)

Hi, I was in Musgrove park hospital in Taunton.

I was referred to psychatrict liason by doctors, who saw me for 2 minutes, deciding I could be discharged. I was not feeling ready to be discharged and took a number of tablets on walking home late at night, wearing pyjamas. I ended up in ITU again, very unwell, to be later discharged again by the Taunton crisis team.

I was told to call a number, which I did and talked to someone for 5 mins with no follow up. It is now 6 weeks on, and have not heard anything from Mental Health Services in Taunton.

Response from Alison van Laar, Associate Director of Mental Health & Learning Disability Services, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 5 years ago
Alison van Laar
Associate Director of Mental Health & Learning Disability Services,
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 20/08/2019 at 18:00
Published on Care Opinion on 21/08/2019 at 10:17

Thank you scorpiusc36 for your response. Again, I apologise that the care you received by the service was not what you expected. If you send me more details via the PALS team such as your name and date of birth, I can look further into this for you.

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