"Fizz Fizz Fizzle"

About: Adult Mental Health Community

(as a service user),

Hi I’m A Catherine Wheel a former patient who accessed adult mental health services via the Stonebridge Centre, (City East) Nottingham. I’ve recently wizzed off to Yorkshire.

Here’s my last spin before I go out with a fizz fizz fizzle  

Well, I can’t say we have always seen eye to eye during my patienthood here. Still you have given me the opportunity to share some of my views via Care Opinion which I have valued highly. I have noticed that posts on Care Opinion do get a response, and I hope that these responses will result in positive action in the future.

There is considerable potential here to have a set up that offers timely, relevant, responses to need, that are the best. This is evidenced in VoiceBox - a group for voice hearers, and in the Recovery College which does offer outstanding first level short courses.

Perhaps policies like locked doors, restricted access to the Recovery College, too much emphasis on danger, risk, crisis could be considered to make for more positivity one day. I know that change can happen here. It did at the Stonebridge Centre where the Reception staff now allow patients to enter without patient’s justifying why they have come. Stonebridge is now a pleasanter place to enter. There is clearly a willingness, and I hope this can be built on.

I am hopeful that one day patient’s will become service users here. I am hopeful that one day there will be profound changes and something quite else will replace psychiatry, and services as we currently know them.  

Yes, I’m a dreamer and I’m going to do what I can to help make the world work for everyone. For everyone to have a decent life. Yes, I’m all fizzled out as A Catherine Wheel. You have spun me this far. Fired up my enthusiasm to help make changes. I’ve learned a lot here. Mainly by my mistakes. Thanks for letting me make mistakes.

You and Care Opinion have now got me to the place where I can go forth. I’m ready now to join with others to effect change and that is the best way to do it. We are stronger together.  

I would like to especially thank Gordon CPN; also Vivienne (CPN) and Consultant Sara both retired.

Thanks for the good you have all done.  

Well then me ducks:

traaa, un owd yer tite

A Catherine Wheel

In the Certain Ages with nothing left to lose, and with others so much to gain

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Response from Tracey Taylor, Community Psychiatric Nurse, City East Local Mental Health Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Tracey Taylor
Community Psychiatric Nurse, City East Local Mental Health Team,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

I am a Community Psychiatric Nurse

Submitted on 25/10/2019 at 11:31
Published on Care Opinion at 11:31

picture of Tracey Taylor

Hello again A Catherine Wheel

As always it's a pleasure to read your posts. And gives me an opportunity to thank you. It's so important we know what it's like to be on the receiving end of us; it's not always comfortable to read and you have challenged us with good humour and a desire to work together.

I'll make sure Gordon gets your thanks. Unfortunately I am no longer in contact with Vivienne or Sara although your thanks to them is acknowledged.

So I wish you all the best as you Whizz off........I'll miss your posts and I'm sure you'll make others smile with your new ones!

Kind regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Jo Horsley, Adult Mental Health Service Manager - Involvement, experience and volunteer lead for AMH, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Jo Horsley
Adult Mental Health Service Manager - Involvement, experience and volunteer lead for AMH,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Submitted on 25/10/2019 at 15:42
Published on Care Opinion at 15:42

picture of Jo Horsley

Hi Catherine Wheel or rather "ey up me duck "
What a lovely post to receive after a busy week, I too love patient opinion for its fast and easy way of speaking to each other and getting feedback in the moment. I've particularly enjoyed your posts for raising very important things in a wonderful unique way.

I just wanted to share some good news we’ve had in Nottinghamshire, after struggling with resources for some time we've had fabulous news, we are getting investment into mental health services! Chuffin Eck, as they would say up North! This is not just for the Trust but for wider Nottingham, for third sector and voluntary groups, so we will be able to booster up places like Stonebridge and this will include employing new peer support workers, increasing our crisis services and opening crisis cafes. We’re working hard with patient’s volunteers, other MH organisations to make sure we spend this investment wisely. Its people like you that have turned dreams in to reality so keep on dreaming and have a wonderful time in Yorkshire, one of my favorite counties

Ta, ra for now


Deputy general manager

Adult Mental Health

Highbury Hospital


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by A Catherine Wheel (a service user)

Thanks Tracey for your lovely response. I haven't found the "services" easy here, but I know there is a lot of good people around and good practices too. I have though learned a great deal from the bits that haven't gone too well, so all is by no means lost! It is frustrating and disappointing when it goes pear shaped, and I expect practitioners feel the same too when things are pointed out. You do try, and we all do in many ways make it up as we go along and muddle through. I think life is lived like that to a point.

There will always be lots of makes and takes on things that are experienced and lots of standpoints and points of view. Perhaps an acknowledgement of that by all of us would help us all. Views could be of equal worth and clout whether a person is a top ranking pro or a patient if the will is there. When we are in the thick of something it's hard to step back and reflect there and then. But we all learn, and I can take away with me ideas of how to approach things differently in future and I'm sure you all do that too.

Thanks again Tracey for reading the posts, realising that "what is", can be a different "what is", for patients, and thanks for having the grace and courage to say so. Above all thanks for having a laugh.

Now it does say in the reply instructions box I can say what I'd like to happen next: reckon that's bonfire night, don't you?

Best wishes for the future

A Catherine Wheel


Update posted by A Catherine Wheel (a service user)

Hi Jo

Ekky thump, lass

Such uplifting and wonderful news about the splash of cash. I'm delighted there will be funds for a spot of community building too. Something integrated would work really well. There would be scope to broaden horizons, and offer more and different approaches, so that people can find what suits them. It'll be like Woolies Pick un Mix.

I wish you all the best with the new look care and integrated services. I'm so thrilled it's going to happen. Thanks for letting me know. What a joy to leave knowing this. I'm as excited for Nottingham as you are. Thanks for sharing such sweet dreams.

There's some splashing of cash where I'm bound too. It's a big spend to stop the sea splashing into people's homes. Reckon I'll be involved in peer support of cliff edges and teetering caravans. There's an alternative approach for you.

Best get on and share me chips wiuh seagull. And no one ere as uh cob, or mashes Yorkshire tea. I agree with you it's great round here. It was love at first sight.

Thanks for the amazing news and your good wishes.

A Catherine Wheel

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