Following an episode of life-threatening anaphylaxis at the gym, I was expertly managed and transferred by a wonderful ambulance crew whose names I rather embarrassingly can't remember (although I was semi-conscious so I am hoping that is enough of an excuse! ) I was treated rapidly and expertly in ED at RIE, where I was given immediate care despite the craziness of the department. The doctors who dealt with me (Consultant Mr Davidson, junior doctor Hattie) and the nurses (Gary and another whose name I can't recall) were wonderful - kind and polite at all times.
"Treated rapidly and expertly"
About: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France / Accident & Emergency Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France Accident & Emergency EH16 4SA Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance Scottish Ambulance Service Emergency Ambulance EH12 9EB
Posted by muchos grateful patient (as ),
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