"Thanks for saving my life"

About: Royal Alexandra Hospital / Accident & Emergency Royal Alexandra Hospital / General Surgery (wards 19, 20, 24, 26 &29)

(as a service user),

I thought I was in a really bad crohns disease flare and after several gp visits and being sent home with steroids I was getting progressively worse untill the point I could hardly function, hadn't eaten in 4 weeks so was getting weaker and was in a lot of pain so attended A& E. I was told I just got there in time and it turns out my bowel had perforated and I needed an emergency hemicolectomy operation. I honestly want to thank everyone who looked after me from the minute I arrived, up to ward 20 & 24 and up untill I was discharged  9 days later. I will be forever grateful to the surgeon and all the team who saved my life, there's really no words to describe it - thank you seems like such an understatement, but you all got me home safe and sound back to my son for his birthday and Christmas and I will always be thankful for my second chance! Wishing the staff all the very best for the new year. I seen first hand just how amazing you all are and even in a pandemic when it must seem like everything is challenging you still continue to deliver the highest standard of care.  

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Response from Alison Craig, Lead Nurse, Surgical Specialities (IRH), NHSGGC 4 years ago
Alison Craig
Lead Nurse, Surgical Specialities (IRH),
Submitted on 07/01/2021 at 09:05
Published on Care Opinion at 09:05

Dear Rainbow29

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience on Care Opinion and for your praise and kind words regarding the staff. I am glad that we managed to get you home safe and sound and in time for your son’s birthday and Christmas.

Best wishes

Alison Craig

Lead Nurse - Surgery

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