My carer role
I remember in January 2000 boasting to a friend that I’d never had a crisis in my life. All that changed one week later. Initially I had to leave my job. It’s a long story but this resulted in my son being admitted twice to hospital, culminating in rehabilitation at Macmillan Close Rehabilitation Unit, followed in 2003 by 24 hour support from Broomhill Lodge up to 2013. This then meant I could work and lead a relatively ‘normal’ life. Without that care, that would have been totally impossible. WHAT HAPPENS TO CARERS IN THAT POSITION NOW THESE FACILITIES HAVE CLOSED. After 2013 he moved on to Gedling LMHT.
Two things have made a difference (for the better) over the last few years, one being that my son has now services from two organisations providing meaningful activity. This was possible through a process, which I think was called enablement, and a personal budget. Also, my son had a wonderful psychiatrist (now left the Trust) who went the extra mile, resulting in finding an additional medication which combated the weariness and constant fatigue. But now there is no cpn and there are still many ups and downs as the illness, together with positive symptoms and anxiety, is still there.
I think every service user under an LMHT should at the very least have a ‘named worker’ who they and the carer can go to if necessary.
What really concerns me is what happens in the future when I can no longer care? What happens when I die?
"My carer role, services that are no longer available - and what happens when we die?"
About: Adult Mental Health Community / Gedling Local Mental Health Team (LMHT) Adult Mental Health Community Gedling Local Mental Health Team (LMHT) Nottingham NG4 3AY
Posted by MENTAL HEALTH CARER (as ),
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