Going by other recent posts I have read on here, my guess is that this may not be read or provided with an answer but here goes!
I was due to have a day case operation done shortly after the pandemic hit last year in 2020 as part of some breast cancer reconstruction. This was cancelled and rightly so and I was told that Ward GC had been turned into the Covid 24 hour admission screening ward. My Surgeon was very honest about the situation and appeared as equally frustrated as I am even a year later when he informed me that things were still no further on. This complaint is in no way aimed at the clinical team and more at management.
Can you tell me what provisions NHS Highland are putting in place with regards to remobilization of all days case surgeries and when this ward will go back to being a surgical ward to allow day case surgeries to resume? Is the hospital management looking at relocating the Covid ward to another part of the hospital or using another ward for day case procedures now that other hospitals have resumed day case surgeries again? I believe the new Elective Treatment Centre currently under construction at the UHI Campus is being built to focus on Orthopedics and Eyes procedures so what will happen for other specialties? Waiting lists are continually growing and well as patient's frustrations with the lack of communication from NHS Highland!

Waiting time