I was monitored for preeclampsia back in April both Wishaw triage and at another unit. On multiple occasions they routinely used the thigh cuff to carry out a bp profile which is I believe is poor practice and can result in inaccurate results. In the ante and postnatal wards, they also picked and chose which bp readings to record, ignoring high ones and repeating to get a lower reading. I was also told my blood tests were all normal however, my community midwife advised that they in fact were not.
Eventually I was admitted to the antenatal ward and they decided to carry out an induction. Once the first pessary was inserted my baby wasn't happy and they called the dr who didn't appear concerned. However, watching your baby's heart rate drop was absolutely terrifying, especially following 4 years of IVF to get him. I asked for a c-section as well as a second opinion from the consultant, both of which were refused as it was night and the consultant was at home. The following 2 pessaries were given but unfortunately didn't work. During one of the exams the midwife performing it did not stop after me requesting her to, due to being in pain. The Dr then stated they wanted to try and break my waters even though I wasn't dilated and had a bishop's score of 2. I refused and requested a section which again the dr tried to refuse until the registrar came along and agreed. At no point up until then do I feel like my opinion or wishes regarding mine or my babys care were listened to. This left me feeling scared, vulnerable and without any control over my treatment.
I was eventually given a section after the first one was cancelled due to staff shortage, and again they tried to convince me to do another round of pessaries even though I had made it extremely clear i didn't want to. The entire surgical experience was absolutely fantastic. Every single person in that theatre was amazing. The surgeon did a fantastic job as did the anaesthetist who put me at ease as did all the midwives/nurses.
The post natal care however, was appalling. I wasn't given any post op advice and my birth partner was told to leave the ward even though I was still immobile after the spinal - the midwife stated that they were there to help even though the patient across from me was also immobile and was unable to reach her baby or the call buzzer leaving her extremely distressed. I also had feeding issues but was told to "keep practicing" - turned out to be a tongue tie and high arch palate but there was absolutely no breastfeeding support on the ward and we were discharged, without any check up from the medical team. The feeding issues resulted in my baby becoming dehydrated and had to be given formula after a night with him being seriously distressed.
Following my discharge, I was monitoring my bp as requested and on the advice of my community midwife had to contact triage due to high readings. I was admitted again and given new medication and advised to contact if my readings hit a certain value, which they subsequently did. However, when I called they said they wouldn't see me as they wouldn't change my medication. I was labelled as "anxious " as i asked a question regarding the choice of medication they gave me, which I feel is upsetting as it wasn't accurate. Thankfully my midwife spoke to the medical team who adjusted my meds.
Overall my experience in Wishaw maternity was awful and made an already stressful and upsetting time even worse. In my opinion the wards are far too busy with not enough staff and several of the midwives came across as extremely uncaring. I should also mention how terrible the food was too.
I would however like to say a huge thanks to the midwife who stayed with me when my baby was distressed -this staff member went above and beyond looking after me. Also a huge thank you to the surgical team who were amazing and also to the HCA in the antenatal ward. Massive thanks also to my community midwife who looked after me and supported me through a horrible time.
"Maternity experience"
About: University Hospital Wishaw / Maternity Care University Hospital Wishaw Maternity Care ML2 0DP
Posted by Alisonmac78 (as ),
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