"Visiting is an essential part of recovery"

About: Glasgow Royal Infirmary / Neurology Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Neurosurgery (Ward 64 – 66)

(as a service user),

I'm currently a neuro inpatient after post-op  having complications and waiting on a rehab bed.  The care I have is beyond brilliant.  So this isn't to complain about that.

What I'm concerned about is the lack of clarity in respect of my care going forward  and being told I may be transferred to the Glasgow Royal.   

My concern  is that I have had bad experience there before .. and the limitations of visiting which as i know it us being tightly controlled thus would be detrimental to my care. I have no understanding of how the Royal would care for someone in my situation.

Visiting is an essential part of my recovery, it helps me get mobile and to be frozen in a ward would be detrimental to my outcomes, additionally this would be impactful on both me and my partner's and parents mental wellbeing ...   i also feel uncertain about where I will end up and how that will improve my mobility.... It would be useful for patients to be involved in decisions about care and to be kept informed and decisions made that include mental well-being treated on equal footing ... 

Again this is no criticism of care, more so its to make bed managers aware of human factors.  

But I am frustrated in the lack of clarity, involvement and communication about future planning after all patient involvement is a key component of care..

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Response from Eilidh Gallagher, Clinical Services Manager, Institute of Neurological Sciences, NHSGGC 3 years ago
Eilidh Gallagher
Clinical Services Manager, Institute of Neurological Sciences,
Submitted on 21/09/2021 at 10:09
Published on Care Opinion at 13:13

Hello Aldo77,

I'm pleased to hear that the care you have received thus far has been to a high standard. Our ward team will be delighted with this positive feedback.

I'm sorry however to hear that you haven't felt involved in decision making regarding your care and have reservations around a potential transfer to GRI and the implications for visiting.

I'd be keen to organise further discussion with the ward team to support you during your admission and care planning. If you would be happy to contact me directly we can look to see how we can address your concerns.

My contact details are 0141 201 2548 or If you would prefer to email me I can be contacted at Eilidh.gallagher@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Best wishes, and I hope you have a speedy recovery.


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