"It's so powerful when you realise you are not alone"

About: Inclusion Recovery Hampshire / Eastleigh

(as a service user),

I had become dependent on alcohol for several years and as my addiction spiraled my physical health rapidly deteriorated. Anxiety gripped me and my life was just about keeping my alcohol intake at an extremely high level to manage the physical withdrawal symptoms. I came across Inclusion online and self-referred. My keyworker Kieran has been a great support, even when I have been resistant, or my anxiety has been unmanageable. I was also lucky enough to have two home detoxes supported by the amazing nurses Lauretta and Rebecca. I received reduction therapy and counselling sessions.

I have attended as many groups as possible, due to Covid most of the groups are online. The result of all this support is that I have now been sober for 3 months. I did relapse at one point and Inclusion supported me through this and agreed another home detox. My anxiety and depression is still an issue but I am learning new skills and I feel like a different and better person. All thanks to Inclusion.

The groups are amazing.

Monday: Mindfulness with Izabela. This always includes a catch-up, mindfulness activities, discussion and a target for the coming week.

Mindfulness Based Relapse prevention with Sue. This has been an excellent course and given me several tools I can use.

Kieran runs the ACT group on Tuesday, I get so much out of the group, it helps with understanding and achieving my values, accepting my thoughts and behaviours and using mindfulness.

I was lucky enough to attend ‘Recovery in The Steps’ with Graham on Tuesdays. This gave an overview of the twelve steps. It was a great group, lots of discussion, challenges and insight.

On Thursday I attend Mindfulness with Sam, this has deepened my understanding of mindfulness and fed into everything we have been learning in the other groups.

On Fridays I attend Mindfulness with Graham, this always has an exercise and lots of excellent discussion. It also gives us an opportunity to think about the weekend.

As well as all the above I have attended Alcohol Group both online and in person. This is a great opportunity to listen to and share your experiences with others. It is so powerful when you realise that you are not alone.

I can’t thank inclusion staff and volunteers enough for everything they have done, and a big thank you to Kieran, my key worker, Lauretta and Rebecca. This is an amazing service and I am so grateful for their support.

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