"Urgent Day Patient appointment for my cousin"

About: Inverclyde Royal Hospital / Accident & Emergency Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Day surgery

(as a relative),

My cousin was permitted to go home with a bleeding aneurism from IRH and advised she would be contacted as a day patient to have it clipped / coiled as a day patient.  She was also advised in normal circumstances, she would have been moved directly from IRH to QEUH but due to it being havoc within QEUH, it would be best to send her home as we had a close family funeral to attend. 

Her son has been waiting on a phone call all day.  Can someone help please?

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Response from Alison McKinnon, Lead Nurse, General Medicine (IRH), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 3 years ago
Alison McKinnon
Lead Nurse, General Medicine (IRH),
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 26/01/2022 at 17:04
Published on Care Opinion at 17:04

Good afternoon delphinusne47,

Can you please call me as soon as possible on the number below, with your cousin's details, so that I can chase this up for you?


Alison McKinnon

Lead Nurse

Emergency Care and Medical Specialities

01475 524874

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Update posted by delphinusne47 (a relative)

I have left a message on the above number. I have my cousins CHI number at hand, the last news was the referral has not yet arrived at QEUH...

Response from Alison McKinnon, Lead Nurse, General Medicine (IRH), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 3 years ago
Alison McKinnon
Lead Nurse, General Medicine (IRH),
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 27/01/2022 at 12:52
Published on Care Opinion at 12:52

Hi dolphinusne47

I have received your voicemail but you have not left a number for me to call you back.



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Update posted by delphinusne47 (a relative)

Thank you so much for your intervention. My cousin has been contacted by the relevant departments.

Totally appreciated:-)

Response from Alison McKinnon, Lead Nurse, General Medicine (IRH), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 3 years ago
Alison McKinnon
Lead Nurse, General Medicine (IRH),
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 31/01/2022 at 10:01
Published on Care Opinion at 10:01

I am glad she has had some reassurance that everything is in hand. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if you have any further concerns. Hope everything goes well.


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