"Mask exemption policy"

About: University Hospital Wishaw / Emergency Department University Hospital Wishaw / Respiratory Medicine (Ward 7)

(as a service user),

I visited my Dad on ward 7 to hand in batteries. I was  shocked that this was the fourth time in this hospital that I have had to  explain my mask exemption.  According to the staff it is hospital policy that you must wear an mask.

I've already spoken to hospital complaints department and  this is not the case, but I was told nobody is exempt in Wishaw general.

For the past two years nobody has told me I had to wear one. I have been for a mammogram , x-rays , lots of consultant appointments, but in A and E or on a ward I am told I have to. Yesterday was so bad that I could not wait to get out of there. I'm also under absolutely no obligation to explain my exemption to anyone, although they didn't ask anyway.  I had to come outside and inject myself with hydrocortisone.

One reason I can't wear one is related to childhood trauma.  Someone repeatedly telling me I had to wear a mask is a huge trigger. I have Addison disease which means my body reacts very badly when stressed. Staff need to be reminded that insisting exempt people have to wear a mask is not hospital policy.

I hadn't seen my Dad for a week and I won't go back. I was asked to hand in the batteries and I was told I couldn't go in to see him in case he gave me COVID, which he doesn't have . The experience was absolutely horrible.  I've had x-rays before without a  mask because I'm exempt. I now have brittle asthma and am under the respiratory consultant,s o I absolutely can't wear one.  I've had a panic attack twice in this hospital after being told I had to wear one . I have been told by  hospital complaints office that there is no such a policy for exempt people to have to wear one .

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Response from Jean MacDonald, Quality Improvement Co-ordinator, NHS Lanarkshire 2 years ago
Jean MacDonald
Quality Improvement Co-ordinator,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 01/07/2022 at 09:34
Published on Care Opinion at 09:34

picture of Jean MacDonald

Dear Lola68

I am so sorry to read of the issue you have been experiencing regarding wearing a mask when visiting you dad in ward 7 of University Hospital Wishaw at what must be an anxious time for you both.

May I request you contact my Patient Affairs colleagues to discuss this issue which will allow them to investigate and converse with you directly.

You can contact them by email: PatientAffairs.Wishaw@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk or by telephone: 01698 366558.

Again, I apologise for any upset this has caused you and your dad.

Kind regards


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