A few months ago my mum suffered a fainting episode, had a bad fall and needed a lot of physio, confidence building and trust in herself to do some day to day activities.
This lead to a few spells in A&E and the ICS Team from South Tyrone Hospital had to intervene. The fast pace in which they enacted a plan, met with mum and my family was just brilliant.
From the initial visit from Shea and Anna doing the overall checks in house re equipment etc. to the physio/exercise plan implemented was just amazing. Mum still talks about Shea and Joanne who came out, building her confidence and strength. She was like a new woman within a few weeks, so thanks from all my family.
This team are a credit to the NHS and Southern Trust. Thank you from all my family and sorry for the delay in relaying such thanks to the dream team.

Staff skills

Team work

Daily living support

Being given time
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