
About: Children & younger people's services / Bassetlaw Healthy Family Team

(as a service user),

Immersive Reader

Feeding my baby when I had colostrum was so easy! But when my milk came in my baby only took to one breast and my breasts became really engorged and I was worried about her feeding. 

Katie rung me and I asked her to help me to which she came straight away (within 20 minutes she was here) she looked at the latch and knew the problem right away she showed me all the different posistions and helped me figure out the best ones for me and my baby and stayed patient with me while I figured it out! 

Cannot thank her enough as me and my baby are practicing the techniques and it’s working so amazingly! 

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Response from Tina Hancock, Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19), Community Health Division 2 years ago
Tina Hancock
Service Manager, Children and Young People's Services (0-19),
Community Health Division
Submitted on 10/11/2022 at 16:49
Published on Care Opinion at 16:49

Immersive Reader

Dear meganr02

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to share your experience with us, we do appreciate it and it is great to hear that you are doing so well.

Bassetlaw HFT work very hard to ensure our families receive the best possible care and support when needed and I am so pleased Katie managed to help. May I wish you and your baby all very best and many happy moments feeding together.

Enjoy those precious moments.

Tina Hancock

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