Its no secret that feedback is an important component to learning, improvement and change. It helps staff to recognize areas of strength and highlights areas of development, either way encouraging feedback helps to ensure services are the best they possibly can be for future patients and service users.
Here at Care Opinion, we help health and care organisations to encourage feedback for their service, by running our webinar sessions, providing a range of promotional materials and providing day to day support to subscribers. We often find that the easiest and most valuable way of gaining feedback for your service is to ask for it. This can be either at point of contact when, someone has utilized the service or by attending events to promote services and the use of Care Opinion.
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership (Fife HSCP) have recently launched again on Care Opinion, they have decided to start this journey by promoting the Community Occupational Therapy Service, as they as a team were keen to receive more feedback for their service. They have been working hard to promote the service and Care Opinion internally, using promotional materials and asking service users at point of contact to provide feedback for their service. Alongside this internal promotion Fife HSCP Community Occupational therapy team took time out to head along to shopping centre in Kirkcaldy to speak to the public themselves, raise awareness of Care Opinion and hopefully through this encouragement raise more feedback for their service.
Ann Reynolds, Participation and engagement Officer and Care opinion Lead for the partnership joined members of the Community Occupational Therapy team to promote Care Opinion and encourage feedback for the service. This is what she had to say about their morning out raising awareness.
“We had a valuable morning when we out in Kirkcaldy, some people we spoke to were already aware of Care Opinion, having used it already to leave feedback about hospital services which is fantastic, but we need to continue to raise awareness and encourage people to also use it for social care services too.
Care Opinion is a really valuable tool where people can let us know what they think about services. Feedback received by the Community Occupational Therapy team from people who have accessed their service has been very positive. This helps boost staff morale and lets them know they are doing a great job which is valued by the public.”
We have seen an increase in the number of stories being posted on the website for the Community Occupational health team, as Ann has said above most of them have been positive which has had fantastic impact on staff morale. It demonstrates that actively promoting the use of Care Opinion within your service, internally or externally really can increase the volume of valuable feedback received, that will help shape the service for future users.
Well done to the Community Occupational Therapy team, keep up the fantastic work!
Community OT Team Encouraging Feedback
Community OT Team Encouraging Feedback https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-files/fhscp-picture-for-twitter.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Dayle Goldie, Engagement & Support Officer, Care Opinion, on
About: Community health and care services / Community Occupational Therapy Fife Health & Social Care Partnership
Thanks for your feedback.