New Rannoch Day Opportunities

Update from Perth and Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership

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picture of Geraldine Knight

Congratulations to New Rannoch Day Opportunities for having their first story shared on Care Opinion, well done to Shona and all the team 🎉🎉

New Rannoch

Response from Anne Khan, Depute Manager, New Rannoch Day Centre, Perth and Kinross Council on

Thankyou so much for posting a message on Care Opinion

We at New Rannoch are delighted that you came along to the Centre and felt welcomed and made part of the group . 

We always strive to provide a family like atmosphere so we are delighted that this is how we made you feel . The staff are in your work "Phenomenal " and your high praise will be passed on to them all .

We have Carers days throughout the year and we are re-introducing our monthly  Tea Dances which we will be sending out invitations nearer the time . Hopefully we will see you there .  

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