New to Care Opinion

Update from Perth and Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership

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picture of Geraldine Knight

A HUGE WELCOME 🤗 to the 10 services who are starting their P&K HSCP Care Opinion journey today 🛣️ they are;

🎉 Admin Lead - North Perthshire

🎉 OPCMHT (Older People Community Mental Health Teams) - North Perthshire and Perth City 🧭

🎉LInCS (Locality Integrated Care Service) Clinical Coordinators - North Perthshire, Perth City & South Perthshire localities 🧭

🎉Day Opportunities teams - Strathmore, Blairgowrie, Gleneagles and Kinnoull 🧭 

Thank you all for your commitment, we look forward to reading stories about your services shared on Care Opinion 🥳🥳

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