Hi everyone, sharing this email which was sent by Krisztina Patocs, Care Opinion regarding some up and coming training. You would have received the email on 04/07, this is a reminder if the training sessions and how to register;
"We are absolutely delighted to inform you that Care Opinion is running a 2nd block of exciting and interesting training webinars over the next couple of months.
Here is a timetable of all our scheduled ‘How to’ webinars. Signing up is really simple-just click the sign-up link below to reserve your spot on the webinars you would like to attend!
Webinar Sign up page:https://www.careopinion.org.uk/info/support-webinars
If you missed any previous sessions or can’t make the forthcoming dates, don’t worry: all recordings from the 1st block can be accessed on this blog: How to Webinars – Round up: Spring 2023
Training webinars – April to September 2023
Webinar title
Framing the ask to patients and service users
Mon 24th Jul 2023 @11am
This interactive webinar will help you to: understand what motivates people to share feedback; explore why we find it difficult to ask for feedback and look at various ways of 'framing the ask' to patients and service users.
*NEW* Managing your subscription – for Administrators on Care Opinion
Tues 1st Aug 2023 @2pm
If you are an ‘Administrator’ on Care Opinion. We’ll help you to understand your subscription and the features of your role as 'Administrator'. Add and remove people to your subscription, allocate and change member role, manage alerts and finally search for and manage stories.
*NEW* Drop in Session – Ask the Care Opinion support team your questions
Thurs 10th Aug 2023 @9.30am
Speak to the Care Opinion subscriber support team.
This is a drop in session, open to all members to drop in and ask any questions you have about using Care Opinion. Speak to members of the Care Opinion subscriber support team, who'll be able to help you with any queries.
Encouraging Feedback about your service
Tues 15th Aug 2023 @10am
There are many ways to feedback on Care Opinion. This session aims to explain the different ways encouraging feedback and we share examples of best practice.
*NEW* Responding to critical stories on Care Opinion
Wed 23rd Aug 2023 @11am
In this session we will look at; responding to negative comments when you don't know who the user is, supporting teams to respond and act on feedback (and how to incorporate this into a reply), showing you have made a change and good practice in responding styles.
How to respond well to stories
Tues 5th Sept 2023 @10am
In this webinar we will look at the research on what makes a good response and share the best practice framework to help you feel confident writing responses.
Tues 12th Sept 2023 @11am
This webinar will teach you how to create and manage your alerts, as well as digests, so you can keep track of stories relevant to you and your services on Care Opinion.
Reports and Visualisations
Tues 19th Sept 2023 @10am
Learn how to run reports and visualisations from the stories about your service. This session is great if you are responsible for showing how you drive quality improvement and providing evidence of how you listen and change because of feedback.
Invitation links & Subscriber Tagging
Mon 25th Sept 2023 @2pm
This technical webinar will show you have to set up and use invitation links across all your services, and how the Invitation links can work alongside the subscriber tagging feature to help with quality improvement.
Any questions about any of the above webinars please do get in touch with us by replying to this email or via info@careopinion.org.uk "
Please register to take advantage of the training; Webinar Sign up page: https://www.careopinion.org.uk/info/support-webinars
Have a great weekend everyone
Care Opinion online training sessions
Care Opinion online training sessions https://www.careopinion.cymrufile%3a///c%3a/users/gerald~1/appdata/local/temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Perth and Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership
Posted by Geraldine Knight, Care Opinion Engagement Worker, P&K HSCP, on
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