The Western Trust Celebrate 3 Year Anniversary of Care Opinion

Update from Western Health and Social Care Trust

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picture of Michelle Scott

The Western Trust Celebrates 3 years since Care Opinion was first introduced into the Western Trust on 3rd August 2020

As part of the celebrations, we looked back over stories within the Trust and the responses. We wanted to acknowledge some exemplary responses and award those responders with an exemplary responder certificate for their efforts.  There has been so many rich stories and responses and it was very hard to pick a select few. We congratulate all staff for taking the time to listen and respond to the stories relevant to their area work.  A lot of stories have led to change over the last three years and we would like to acknowledge those services who not only listened, but took on board and implemented change within their area of practice.  Well done to all staff in the Western Health and Social Care Trust.

Winners of the exemplary responder certificate:

  • Angela Hughes Advanced Neonatal nurse practitioner
  • Colleen Hamilton ED sister AltnagelvinImage title
  • Sinead Gallagher Learning Disability Specialist nurse
  • Image titleAnne-Marie McIlmoyle Sister stroke Ward Altnagelvin
  • John Kerr manager ED SWAH  Image title
  • Liz Doherty conditional management lead
  • Aisling Howell lead Radiographer  
  • Annmarie Conlon falls Integrated Pathway coordinator  
  • Denis Ryan lead Hospital at Home Fermanagh 
  • Lucy Reihill Infant feeding lead (SWAH)  
  • Alicia McNulty District Nurse sister Quayside Practice Image title
  • Lesley Hamilton Diabetes Specialist Nurse
  • Marie Therese McDermott  Colonoscopy 
  • Tanya Swanepoel  Care support worker Asha Addictions Centre Omagh

Mrs Donna Keenan, the Interim Director of Nursing and PCOP, commended the work that Vi Gray and now Michelle Scott have done from the implementation of the project initially to the daily oversight of correspondence and feedback to patients, relatives and staff.  Care Opinion has been instrumental in changing the way service users can communicate quickly with staff and teams and to receive timely feedback. The process ensures that people are heard, their opinions are valued and make a difference that can often result in a change in practice. It is also most welcome when our dedicated staff hear positive feedback as that motivates them to continue to deliver high quality person centred care.

Mr. John McGarvey Assistant Director of Professional nursing said ‘As we reach the 3 year milestone of Care Opinion being used in our Trust, it’s important to acknowledge how our staff have embraced this online technology as an embedded means of hearing, understand and learning from patient and clients experiences. The reach Care Opinion now has across out Trust continues to grow through the unwavering and enthusiastic efforts of Vi Gray and now Michelle Scott. Over 2000 stories have been submitted through Care Opinion and in every interaction there is the opportunity to reflect and learn for individuals, departments and the organisation corporately. Over 80% of what we receive and read is complimentary with praise and thanks being showered on our staff for the excellent care and support they deliver every day. Through timely response to stories which are critical we are avoiding formal complaints by opening direct lines of dialogue to understand, apologise and learn when patients and clients have poor experiences. We are now able to analyse and consider common themes, both positive and negative and ensure these are fed through in to our assurance and accountability processes.  We look forward to the continued roll out of Care Opinion and the greater use of all the functionality it offer to help shape and improve our service going forward’.

Former Patient client experience lead Vi Gray said ‘

“At the beginning some staff were daunted, nervous, and hesitant about training and responding online to feedback while others were keen to get involved and were highly motivated during the pilot phase which included Cardiology, Radiology and Renal services.  I am delighted to see the numbers of responders across WHSCT continue to grow and more services expressing their interest to become involved.  Staff are encouraged to use the feedback for clinical supervision, reflection, revalidation and appraisals.  Care Opinion feedback can also influence and drive change through listening and learning and has the ability to avoid formal complaints.

Some of our responders responses have been recognised locally and shared nationally (by Care Opinion Team in Sheffield) citing examples of what a good response should look like.

There is a strong link between learning from patients/ service user’s feedback and providing high quality care an undeniable connection between Care Opinion, Complaints, PPI and Quality Improvement.

The Ripple effects are evident when positive feedback helps boost staff and team morale.  There are numerous examples of changes planned across Directorates and disciplines or made as a result of the feedback received where improvements are required.

I am so proud of what has been achieved in the last 3 years and wish to thank all the staff for making it the success it is today by listening and responding to the postings”.

Michelle Scott newly appointed patient client experience lead for 10,000 more voices and care opinion said ‘Although I have only started my new role 3 months ago, it feels like I have been doing this role for much longer.  Western Trust staff and its service users have embraced care opinion very positively and I am really enjoying engaging with both staff and patients/service users and carers.  Care opinion is a different way of capturing that feedback from what I have been used to in any other role within the health service.  I like the openness and transparency of the online platform in which people can leave their stories anonymously, in real time and receive a response to their feedback.  Collectively over half a million stories have been told locally, regional, nationally and stretching as far as Australia.  To date (3rd August 2023 1,736 stories have been told in the Western Trust with 56 changes that have been made from staff listening feedback.  Some of these changes have included building work, implementing new staff training, signage, and highlighting the important of good communication to name but a few’. 

We want to thank all the staff who have embraced Care opinion but we also want to say a massive Thank You to the people we serve in Northern Ireland and Ireland who have given us their time to leave their stories. Many powerful rich stories have been shared through care opinion  and we have listened, learned and made changes. We will continue to Listen. Whats your story? 


Response from Marie-Therese McDermott, Ward Sister Endoscopy Day Case Unit OHPCC, Endoscopy Unit, WHSCT on

Michelle & Vi

Thank you so much for this wonderful recognition.

Care Opinion is a wonderful service for feed back from our patients.

Thank you both for all your help and support.

Kind regards,

Marie Therese

Endoscopy Unit Manager

Omagh Hospital

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