Thanks to more and more services promoting Care Opinion, NHS Tayside has seen a significant increase in the number of stories we're receiving in 2023. So much so, that we have now surpassed the number of stories we received in the 12 months of 2022/23 in less than 6 months in 2023/24!
Well done everyone! Keep up all the fantastic work you're doing to help promote Care Opinion and all the efforts you're putting into responding so swiftly to the fantastic stories we receive.
Our Health Board, our partners, Care Opinion, the Scottish Government, and most of all, our patients all recognise how effective this feedback mechanism is in listening to the voice of the population of Tayside to help us improve services and for that all-important boost to staff morale.
Thanks everyone - watch this space for the total number of stories we receive at the end of 2023/24!
Surpassed 12-month story figures in less than 6
Surpassed 12-month story figures in less than 6 https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-images/37e58391aaad4b91a429526f72f0e8f2.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Tayside
Posted by Victoria Sullivan, Project Manager, Elective Medicine, NHS Tayside, on
About: NHS Tayside
Thanks for your feedback.