Another milestone has been reached. The Western trust has reached 2,000 stories since it began back in 2020
The 2,000th story can be read here… Well looked after and informed of each step | Care Opinion well done to the staff in SWAH who made the author and their family feel ‘well looked after and informed of each step’.
Michelle Scott PCE for the Western trust said ‘I am delighted to announce that we have reach 2,000 stories on care opinion. To date over 600,000 stories have been told on care opinion from local areas in Northern Ireland to further afield in England, Scotland Wales and Australia and I am honoured to be a part of this.
Care opinion gives the people we serve a voice to leave their story easily, anonymously and safely in real time and those authors receive a response to their feedback which has led to real change within our health service. Care opinion has been a driving force for change within our health service. By listening to our service users, we have been able to make really change and that has been the most impactful part of this role for me. This particular story has came very timely as I recently attended the opening of the new sensory room in South West Acute Hospital in Enniskillen which has been invaluable to its service users.
Western Trust reaches 2,000 stories
Western Trust reaches 2,000 stories https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-images/1879d01b68c04518bd3a62287ec19084.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Western Health and Social Care Trust
Posted by Michelle Scott, Patient Client Experience Lead, Professional Nursing and AHP, Western Health and Social Care Trust, on
Response from Stephanie Coyle, Dementia Navigator , Memory Team, Western Health and Social Care Trust on 23 Oct 2023 at 12:03
Well done to the Western Trust on reaching 2000 stories!
The staff in The Older Peoples Mental Health and Memory Team are delighted to be a part of My Care Opinion. We are grateful for feedback from individuals and their families which helps us to improve our service.
Response from Robert Paul, Lead MSK Podiatrist, Southern Sector, WHSCT on 23 Oct 2023 at 12:36
Well done care opinion , a great way for patients to provide feed back on services provided
Response from AnnMarie Conlon, Falls Integrated Pathway Co-Ordinator, Primary Care Older People, WHSCT on 23 Oct 2023 at 12:45
Well done to Western Health and Social Care Trust on reaching 2000 stories.
Care Opinion is a great platform for service users to provide feedback on services that they have received in relation to Falls Prevention or how best to manage risk of falls.
If you have attended a service or a Health Event in relation to falls, we would love to hear your experience. Your feedback can help inform improvements to existing services.
Response from Emma Keyes, Western Health and Social Care Trust on 24 Oct 2023 at 09:03
2000 stories- Well done Western Health and Social Care Trust and Care Opinion. As a new team, the Perinatal Mental Health trust wide service are proud to start our journey with Care Opinion and look forward to feedback from individuals and their families which will help us to improve our services
Response from Lesley Finlay, Macmillan Health & Wellbeing Campus Manager, Acute Services, Cancer Services, WHSCT on 25 Oct 2023 at 22:44
Well done to WHSCT Care Opinion on reaching 2000 stories. Macmillan Health & Wellbeing Campus at Altnagelvin and Macmillan Information & Support Services Trustwide welcome feedback to ensure we do our best to meet the needs of everyone accessing our services.