Monkey, who has been helping children to share their feedback on Care Opinion, will be retiring at the beginning of March 2024. We used Monkey’s image with permission, but now Monkey Wellbeing is closing down. You can head to their website to read more about this.
What does this mean for subscribers?
This means Monkey will no longer be on our promotional material or on the Care Opinion website. Please do not print any more Care Opinion material featuring Monkey. If you have existing material with Monkey on we recommend using this before the 4th March 2024. He will then be removed from the website.
If you use material beyond this date, it will still link to Care Opinion. You will just not see Monkey on the website.
Who will replace Monkey?
Well, that is the question! We are currently in conversation with a illustrator to design a Care Opinion Character to replace Monkey on the website and promotional material. We hope this new character will inspire children to tell us about their care in their own words…So watch this space!
If you have any questions or need to discuss further, please contact your support lead at Care Opinion or email team@careopinion.org.uk
Thank you to Helen (and Monkey!) at Monkey Wellbeing for all the support over the years.
Good Bye Monkey
Good Bye Monkey https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/1-images/77e2be7324bc409986ccbf120c2ee935.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngChange from Care Opinion
Posted by Sarah Ashurst, Associate Director, Service Quality, Care Opinion CIC, on
Response from Victoria Sullivan, Project Manager, Elective Medicine, NHS Tayside on 4 Dec 2023 at 15:47
So sad! Bye Monkey :'(
Response from Sarah Ashurst, Associate Director, Service Quality, Care Opinion CIC on 1 Mar 2024 at 12:09
We are still working hard on Monkey's replacement and will have a lovely new character to share with everyone very soon.
Our priority is replacing the images on the help page for parents, and on the story telling workflow within the next couple of weeks.
We then plan to update the promotional material and image suites available for subscribers.
Remember all existing links and materials will work even when the monkey images are removed, but if you have any concerns please contact your Care Opinion support lead.
Response from Lisa Wilkinson, Staff Nurse, Fracture clinic, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust on 22 Mar 2024 at 11:41
Morning , we are very keen to learn what the monkey replacement is going to be , as working on a small piece of work in our area , developing a system to gather childrens feedback , Lisa and team .
Response from Sarah Ashurst, Associate Director, Service Quality, Care Opinion CIC on 22 Mar 2024 at 13:15
Hi Lisa, Thank you so much for messaging. We are just finalizing the images next week so you won't have long to wait!
I will send you a quick email so we can connect and support you with your work
Best wishes,