Another wee P&K HSCP gem to share with you; this is an excerpt from a story which was shared on Care Opinion earlier this week;
Well done Lois and Lucy, as the author says; “I wouldn't have recovered near as well without their treatment and support” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The full story is here; I wouldn't have recovered near as well without their treatment and support | Care Opinion
World Class Care
World Class Care https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-images/9466e7dbb8e74af89edaba0cee5664ba.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Perth and Kinross Health & Social Care Partnership
Posted by Geraldine Knight, Care Opinion Engagement Worker, P&K HSCP, on
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