Care Opinion, the journey so far
Since June 2024, we have been working hard to establish an understanding of how Care Opinion can work within services and our communities and begin implementing Care Opinion as our main method of collecting feedback here at the trust. We are very excited to have launched Care Opinion this month and we are looking forward to receiving many stories about our trust and services so that, as we conveyed in Promise 4, we can ‘make a difference to the shape and quality of our services’ in a visible and transparent way.
An exciting opportunity to communicate
Watch and listen to Toby Lewis, Chief Executive, RDaSH, share his thoughts in support of Care Opinion in this video message (below). Toby mentions how Care Opinion is ‘important to our organisation’ and how the stories can be used to show off the fantastic work of our colleagues and simultaneously help our organisation to ‘improve, change, adjust and develop services’.
The story so far
- The communication team has been working hard developing Care Opinion branded, engaging materials for the trust which includes posters and bookmarks. All QR codes are being used on promotional material, both trust wide and service specific, and will include the Family and Friends Test at the beginning of the feedback experience.
- In early July, initial Care Opinion awareness raising sessions were delivered by Care Opinion to help familiarise responders with the site and some of the site's functionality. You can find the slides used here: Intro to CO-RDASH.pdf
- Through the trust-wide QR code, we received our first wonderfully positive story in July for Doncaster Community Nurses. Click to read the story and our response.
We are very excited to be at the beginning of our journey and are looking forward to seeing how we develop our trust through using Care Opinion as our platform for hearing people's voices.
For more support and any questions, please contact: stuart.green4@nhs.net
Care Opinion, the journey so far
Care Opinion, the journey so far https://www.careopinion.org.uk/resources/blog-resources/0-images/d83e9e30510b4f0e95adad3fb8deb069.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
Posted by Stuart Green, Patient Experience & Involvement Lead (Interim), Patient Experience, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust, on
Thanks for your feedback.