Colleagues, yesterday I had the pleasure of attending the latest Care Opinion Workshop held in Dungannon and welcoming Liz and Sarah from Care Opinion who presented at the event alongside our very own PHA leads for the Online user feedback system (OUFS) Linda, Thelma, Dalrene and David.
This was an unique opportunity for colleagues in Social work and District nursing across the region to come together to learn more about the system, share their views on Care Opinion and participate in group work. The day was a great success and well attended by services across N.Ireland showing how important listening to the people's voice is to them. my own special thanks to all my colleagues in the Western Trust who dedicated their time to come along and actively participate in this workshop. it was a pleasure to meet with all and I look forward to working more closely together building stronger working relationships and continue to improve services
latest Care Opinion Workshop in N.Ireland
latest Care Opinion Workshop in N.Ireland https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-files/20240821-105513.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Western Health and Social Care Trust
Posted by Michelle Scott, Patient Client Experience Lead, Professional Nursing and AHP, Western Health and Social Care Trust, on
About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Social Workers Western Health & Social Care Trust / Community Development Team (Social Work) Older People’s Services / District Nursing Older People’s Services / Social Worker for older people
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