The Care Opinion journey
When RDASH began collaborating with Care Opinion to fulfil Promise 4, we knew we we’d have a lot of work to do. We know something new can be daunting and that Care Opinion isn’t the usual way of collecting feedback for us as here at the trust. We anticipated many questions, and even some doubt, however what’s happened as a result of the roll out is a truly fantastic achievement for us. With doubt being allayed and learning and change accepted we have managed to receive a fantastic 267 stories to date and over 11,000 reads. We anticipate more stories being heard in the future from our 331 listening and responding staff in the trust.
We have travelled a long way since going live in June and our first published story. We now have 154 different QR codes across patient facing services including: IPS, estates and facilities. There is no space to write about every story and service here, but we have received some fantastic feedback and I think sharing our first since June is a good place to start: District Nurse visit was potentially life saving.
The stories are a strong visible reminder to all ( including Healthwatch – who have 're-tweeted' some of our feedback ) of the high quality services we offer and the outstanding care that is delivered by our staff.
Impressively, the Long Covid team has received 46 stories to date, noting mostly the difference it is making to those who access this service Understanding of what I am going through.
We really couldn’t publish this blog without sharing this story and response about the invaluable service New Beginnings offered to one storyteller, it is an inspiring read: Not all heroes wear capes, some wear tunics.
Hitting our 250th story felt really super special to us and something really worth celebrating and recognising . I’d like to say a huge congratulations to Julie Hutchinsons (Team Leader, Home First Rotherham) and the Specialist Falls team for this wonderful feedback about the care the team are providing. Click the link blow to read the full story and response. The team are excellent and improved his confidence.
On a personal note from me, it has been a pleasure to work with so many different teams and to witness the passion in care and support that is offered throughout the trust, it feels both humbling and very reassuring. Care Opinion continues to shine a light on people’s experiences of RDASH in an honest and visible way and, with continued support, we can work to fulfil Promise 4 and continue to learn and change from the people who we help and care for. I’d also like to add a personal thanks to Care Opinion and the energy they have brought to the table.
One of my favourite Care Opinion site features is the ability to create visualisations and tag clouds (like the image below). To learn more about this feature and to refresh you knowledge on Care Opinion generally please attend the half-day learning event on 12.12.24 at 3.00pm by signing up here:
In addition, you can learn more about Care Opinion and the site features by visiting the support pages here:Support - Using Care Opinion and signing up to their training webinars here: Training and support webinars
Celebrating our 250th Story and our journey so far
Celebrating our 250th Story and our journey so far https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-images/96fe217c32614480a04072a0e735c678.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust
Posted by Stuart Green, Patient Experience & Involvement Lead (Interim), Patient Experience, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust, on
Response from Jo-Ann Yates, Team Manager, ADHD & ASD Services, Neurodiversity Directorate, ROTHERHAM DONCASTER AND SOUTH HUMBER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST on 9 Dec 2024 at 09:54
Hi ~Stuart thank you for your informative email regarding Care Opinions. It is marvellous that we have reached 250 so far. It is so lovely to read that patients provide both positive and negative feedback as this enables us to share with our teams and practitioners. Whilst hopefully working through negatives to find positive solutions. Also i would imagine this enables patients to feel empowered as their voices are not only being listened to but also being heard.