Responding and putting care at the centre of what we do

Update from Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust

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picture of Stuart Green

As a trust we continually strive to make improvements and fulfil Promise 4 to our patients and service users. Collecting feedback via the Care Opinion platform is helping us to achieve that and, so far, we are doing a great job 88% of the 455 stories are positive, good work everyone! Whilst it is always lovely to receive positive feedback,  and acknowledge what is working well, we can also learn a lot and create constructive  changes from more critical feedback. 

When you respond to a story on Care Opinion there is the the option before you submit to indicate within your response whether a change is planned or whether a change has been made.  Changes made via feedback shared through Care Opinion are a really important part of of the process helping to demonstrate that services are continually adapting and improving to put care at the centre of what we do. 

A fantastic example of both a positive story and a service change is in the story below. Read Leander Parkinson, Team Leader, Diabetes Specialist Nursing and see how they respond thoughtfully and carefully to the author .

If you have any questions about Care Opinion or are receiving stories that don't belong to your service area, please do reach out Stuart Green.

Response from Jo-Ann Yates, Team Manager, ADHD & ASD Services, Neurodiversity Directorate, ROTHERHAM DONCASTER AND SOUTH HUMBER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST on

HI Stuart, thank you for your lovely message. I have found the care opinion forms to be really beneficial especially in relation the positive and negative feedback we as a service receive. This then enables us to review our practices making sure every patient is supported positively on their patient journey. Equally it enables us as a service to review and amend any discrepancies we can rectify moving forward. 

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