Patient Opinion are at the annual NHS Confederation exbition in Manchester for the the next three days (6th-8th July 2011).
Come and meet the team and learn about our innovative work and hear more about our future plans. Our stand is B6 and any of our team will be delighted to see you. Our organisation is being represented by our Chief Executive Paul Hodgkin, two subscriber support officers, including our West Midlands area Officer Dani and Sarah plus one specialist in Mental Health - Amy. In the following days we also have presence from our Training & Support Officer Tim and an Engagement officer Jason.
Live comment from the event will be available on our twitter feed @patientopinion (!/patientopinion)
We look forward to talking with you.
PO at NHS Confed 2011
PO at NHS Confed 2011 Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Ross Padwick, Company Secretary and Head of Finance, Admin & Finance, Care Opinion, on
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