Welcome to PO Scotland blog!

Update from Care Opinion Scotland

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About: NHS Scotland

picture of Gina Alexander

After many months in the workshop our blog is back with bells on!

It's not just our blog, it's everyone's!    As a service provider, because blogging in built into the site you can post your own blogs in the form of updates, changes and questions.  What a great way to let people know what you are doing.

And, as readers, we hope you'll get involved by responding and sharing your thoughts.

Another step towards making it easier for all of us to work together and help make our health services in Scotland even better.

Response from chrys muirhead on

Hi Gina

I have a question.  Why do some patient or carer opinions have lots of views from professionals but others have very few or none? 

I noticed that, for example, in my area of Fife there are no responses from professionals to psychiatric hospital comments (see Stratheden Hospital) yet the Royal Edinburgh had many different professionals looking at comments and even responding to them.

Is this a recent development?

Cheers, Chrys

Response from Andrew Crooks, Engagement & Support Officer, Sheffield, Care Opinion on

Ding dong - those bells are ringing for me :)

As a Scot living and working South of the Border I have been fortunate to witness the good that Patient Opinion (PO) has been doing for a number of years. I even got to use the website long before I started working for PO and I found it a rewarding and empowering process - and that was just logging my story.

The empowering nature of PO is something I have held onto in promoting the pilot phase of PO's younger sister organisation Care Opinion amongst disabled people and their organisations and other user groups of social care. 

As a member of the Patient Opinion Care Opinion team I have been privileged enough to look at the outstanding work happening in Scotland with PO - with both commissioners, providers & subscribers and service users & other community voluntary and faith sector organisations.  

Very proud to be Scottish and seeing the PO Scotland work.

Here's tae us - Wha's like us?

Response from Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion on

Hello Chris

Thanks for taking the time to post a comment.    There might be a few reasons.    If you are looking at older stories say before April 2013, we were just getting going in Scotland and trying to spread the word.    You should find that more recent stories have a really interesting range of folks reading them, including voluntary organisations and patient groups too.

As far as NHS Fife goes, they've fairly recently started promoting Patient Opinion as one of the ways you can give them feedback and they seem pretty keen on it too.  So, Chris, spread the word, if you can!

Hope that helps.



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