Interesting, inspiring - and perhaps also a little depressing - to read the interview with Liz Miller in this week's Society Guardian.
Liz Miller is a doctor (previously a neurosurgeon, now an occupational health physician) who has campaigned on mental health issues since her own diagnosis with bipolar disorder (manic depression) 10 or so years ago.
She describes the pervasive sense of denial in the medical establishment about the possibility that doctors may need support: "'Doctors don't have mental health problems", she was told.
Depressing, then, that there is still so much denial and stigma around the problems of mood, meaning and thinking that so many of us face. But inspiring that, little by little, courageous people like Liz and others continue to tell their stories and in doing so speak up for us all, and continue to push back the boundaries of what can be said, and talked about.
Making more space to tell the truth
Making more space to tell the truth https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/75f71c7a-7f9c-4b02-9116-1ed4ff616c90.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
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