Welcome to Patient Opinion's tech blog

Update from Care Opinion tech

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picture of James Munro


We've been meaning to start a tech blog about Patient Opinion for ages, but somehow never had time. Well, we still don't have time, but we've started anyway.

Why a tech blog?

Because we are constantly listening, learning, and as a result improving our online platform. Every day patients, service users, carers and staff give us feedback on Patient Opinion and Care Opinion, and every day we try to make improvements to our system.

As a result, we typically update the site about once a week. Sometimes just little tweaks, things fixed. Other times, bigger changes like adding reporting, response rating, new search options.

It's hard for us to keep up, and we know it's hard for you too. So we thought it would be good to blog about the changes we make to Patient Opinion, when we make them. We want you to know what's available so you can do more, with less effort.

We'll also blog about features on the site which have been around a while, but perhaps are not widely known. Simple things like "hover your mouse over a story's date to see the exact date and time".

We'll keep it informal, and we're hoping you'll join in with questions, and perhaps even ideas on what we could do better.

Let the blogging begin!

Response from Chris Beeley, Senior Analyst, Involvement, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust on

Sounds good to me. I'd like to see stuff from people who've done cool stuff with Patient Opinion data, whether that's Patient Opinion or people out in services, so I can steal the ideas.

Any chance of an RSS feed?

Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion on

Hi Chris

Thanks for the response!

We'd like to see what people are doing with PO data too. Especially you! Could you explain it in a response, or link to it, or would you like to write a guest post here?

One thing we did was create PatientStori. Just for fun, you know ;)

You'll find the Atom feed on the blog's main page here:


If you prefer RSS to Atom, here you go:


Response from Chris Beeley, Senior Analyst, Involvement, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust on

Funnily enough I have an idea to shamelessly rip off the idea from PatientStori at this very moment and add it to our reporting functions. I'd love to get it done and share the code on here. Up till now all I've managed is pulling the data from the API and tagging it with locations (which, as you know, considering the size and complexity of our service tree, is no mean feat).

I have to finish building our database first, sadly, but I'll keep you posted.

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