Where are all my responses?

Question from Care Opinion tech

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picture of James Munro

This is one of those things nobody knows about, but might be handy sometime. (In fact, I'd forgotten about this myself, and I built it.)

Just occasionally, you need to see all the stories which you, personally, responded to. Perhaps just for a quick review of how you are responding, or perhaps you need a report of your responses for some purpose. You might even want to know how many turned out to be helpful.

Can you do this? Yes you can. Here's how:

  1. Log into your subscription, and make sure you are in "subscriber view".
  2. Go to your profile page (click your name at top left to do this).
  3. You'll see your activity summary (shown below).
  4. Follow the "responses posted" link.

(These aren't my responses, by the way. They are those of a certain Legendary User of Patient Opinion.)

When you follow your "responses posted" link you'll find yourself on the search page, a bit like this:

And the good thing about this is that you can now add any other search filters you want, like dates, tags, locations, and so on.

Then you could save your search, or make it into a report for sharing.

Indeed, to continue the theme from last time, you could even add a filter to find out which (if any!) of your responses turned out to be helpful.

Hope that helps!

Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion on

Um, forgot to say: if you follow those other links in "My activity" you'll also be able to find the changes you planned, or made.

Response from Richard Morris on

I'm not seeing the 'refine your search' box. I want to search for responses by others, not me. As a member of the public I haven't made any responses.

Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion on

Hi Richard

Thanks for raising this. It's a very worthwhile thought.

Currently, the "refine your search" box and searching for responses is only available to staff within a subscription.

To be honest, we hadn't really thought very hard about the idea that you, as a member of the public, might want to search for "responses by person X".

I can see though that this might be a useful thing to add. Could you tell me a bit more about how you might want this to work, so we can think about how to do it?

PS: I should add that, if you rate a response as helpful/not, we do indeed provide a link to "other responses from person X".

Response from Richard Morris on

Thanks for the response. You reached me on Twitter. I'll try rating responses.

I'm a volunteer at HEFT and wanted to analyse the responses in various ways, for example

PALS - yes/no

Senior manager yes/no

Senior nurse yes/no

Clinician yes/no

'generic' response yes/no

follow up yes/no

and so on…

Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion on

Hi Richard

Thanks for this extra info - makes complete sense.

Currently, this isn't something we'd find easy to provide automatically, and of course there's a fair bit of interpretation required to classify responses like this.

There is a built-in report available to HEFT subscription admins which does show the number of responses posted by each person. That might help, and is probably best accessed via your contacts at HEFT.

I see also we need a feature to allow you to get an email when a further blog response is posted! We'll add that to our work list.

This blog post is closed to responses.