Carers and Staff working together to raise awareness

Update from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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I have had a busy but rewarding morning co-delivering the new Carers Families and Friends Awareness Training  session with my  colleague Tony Mitchell, Education Consultant (Recovery) and carers, Trevor and Sheena, to a cross section of staff from Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust.   

One of the five aims of the Trust’s Carers Strategy has been to develop and deliver a training course to staff about carers that has been informed by what carers would want our staff to know.

This truly has been a collaborative piece of work with staff and carers working closely together to achieve this aim. We started with a blank piece of paper and lots of ideas and over time it has developed into what we have now.

The course offers practical ideas that staff can use to help communicate effectively and provide guidance/support for carers, families and friends whilst also raising awareness about their needs and the vital contribution that they make.

The overall feedback received from staff was amazing and there was a real buzz around the room after we had finished.

Below are a few of the comments received from staff who attended the training……

"The session was really balanced across all divisions so applicable to all. Will definitely be recommending that staff attend"

"The Carers story was deeply moving – All Trust staff need  this training"

"An excellent training session, would benefit all Health & Social  Care Worker"

"Overall really good and thought provoking, would be great if it could be a full day so issues could be explored in more depth”     

I believe so much can be achieved by working in partnership and this is a testament to that fact.  Thank you to everyone involved, I am so glad to have been part of it.

 I will close this blog with some last thoughts from Trevor whom I think sums it up quite nicely:

Influencing the design of a training course has a permanency about it and gives me and other carers the chance to share our experiences of being a carer to a much larger audience of healthcare staff over time.

This type of involvement has undoubtedly been the most positive thing I have been asked to do as a Carer.

I am confident that we now have a substantial training course which will help influence and build confidence in staff, enabling them to have a greater understanding of the difficulties faced by carers and to recognise the importance of working closely with us as expert partners in care.”


Response from Trevor61 on

I have to say my experience in helping to shape and present this Carers Awareness Course has been very rewarding and exceeded all my expectations.

The pilot we did on the 26th November was vibrant and raised the energy in the room substantially.

I felt the enthusiasm from the staff who attended was incredible, much like releasing water from a dam; it filled the room with overflowing potential.

Sheena’s roll playing exercise really let the staff get into the spirit of the course and show their flare and imagination in working a problem to some very good affects.  

I would like to thank Sue and Tony in asking me to help shape the training and look forward to getting involved in other projects in the future.


Trevor Clower

Unpaid Volunteer Carer 

Response from Tony Mitchell, Therapeutic Skills Tutor, Learning & Development, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS trust on

All of the hard work on this project was really worth it when you hear feedback like this. It was a thrill to see the buzz and dialogue around the room with staff and carers positively engaging with the issues that merged throughout the course.

In nearly 14 years working as a teacher this has by far been the most co-produced course that I have had the privilege to work on & has really shown me a template for what is possible when we work together.

Sue, Trevor & Sheena are already mentioned here & they have been amazing to work with & to see the contributions they have made from conception to delivery. I'd also like to thank all of the carers and staff who have contributed ideas, time, attended planning meetings & just given us support & inspiration.

Our next challenge for 2015 will be to roll out the course across the Trust & really keep the Carers, Family & Friends agenda at the front of all of our minds. Exciting times!!!

Response from Theresa Brennan on

A colleague and I went to this course and were really impressed.

I had very well balanced content which inc;luded a moving account by a Father of his son's and family's experience moving through health, education and social services. It really brought home the impact of our words and actions.

There was also a good section of advice and clarification.

The scenarios were really excellent in that they made you really think and practically respond to a difficult situation, thniking and carrying out your responses.

I really cannot praise this course highly enough and will support staff to attend it in the future.

Thank you to all the contributors for their hard work, and courage, in delivering this.

Response from Jenny Newman, Digital Health Project Manager, Health Partnerships, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust on

Seeing the Carers Awareness training come to fruition is one of the best things I have seen this year.  It has been great to see carers and workers coming together to develop and deliver the training, bringing it to life for carers and staff alike.  I went to the first pilot session, and to see the pride and professionalism with which it was delivered was so motivating.  Stimulating discussion on carers rights and providing personal insights into the experience touched both hearts and minds, raising awareness in a way that is instantly memorable and spurring action going forward.

Everyone working in partnership from start to finish really has made all the difference in the success of the training.  I am looking forward to seeing the training and all those involved in it go from strength to strength.

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