When you tell a story on Patient Opinion, you can go on to add a "Friends and Family Test" response for each service your story is about. That's been the case for a long time.
This week, we've added a new way to use Patient Opinion to collect FFT scores. It works like this:
Step 1
As a service provider, you can send patients (or link directly) to your service page. Or a patient can find the service page via Google, or search on Patient Opinion.
Every service page has a button like this:
Step 2
This will take you to the FFT question for the selected service.
If you prefer, you can link directly to this page from your own site or email, to save a step. It looks like this:
Step 3
After answering the FFT question, there's an option (following NHS England guidelines) to add some extra demographic details:
Step 4
The last step is (again following the guidelines) to offer an opportunity to leave comments.
You can see that on this step the patient or carer has a choice to either
- post a story on Patient Opinion, which can be shared and responded to, or
- leave private comments, which will appear in our reporting but not on Patient Opinion
What happens to the FFT data?
As a good practice, to prevent abuse we don't use any of the FFT data we collect in this way until the user has responded to our verification email.
After that, we display a public summary of the data on the relevant service page (see above).
We provide detailed FFT score and demographic reporting and data access to Patient Opinion subscribers.
How FFT is integrated in Patient Opinion
How FFT is integrated in Patient Opinion https://www.careopinion.cymru../../resources/fft-step1.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion tech
Posted by James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion, on
Thanks for your feedback.
Response from Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion on 11 Feb 2015 at 11:39
Hi James
Great blog which we are about to pop out to a few folks up here. FFT isn't a key feature of the Scottish health landscape but can see how services would find this a useful addition to the PO offer.
Expect questions!
Response from Eunice Goodwin, Patient Feedback Manager for NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Quality Improvement and Governance Team, NHS Ayrshire and Arran on 18 Feb 2015 at 12:34
Hi James,
I am not sure iIunderstand yet, but anything that allows us to have more information has got to be good. Need to get my head around it.
Thank you