Hello my name is...
Maureen, I’m the Head of Profession for Dietetic Services
Your diet is very important in maintaining your health. The right diet can maintain your health, help you to cope with and manage a long term condition as well as aid your recovery following a period of illness.
NHS Lanarkshire Dietetic Service provides care, support and advice for patients and their families when in hospital and in their own home. We have specially trained dietitians that work with patients who have particular medical conditions or requirements such as diabetes, modified texture diets, tube feeding and cancer.
Patients with a recent diagnosis of cancer are often referred to the Dietetic Service. Eating nourishing foods as early as possible is proven to be particularly beneficial during cancer treatment. The specialist team at Wishaw General Hospital were concerned that a number of patients were not attending their initial appointment. Rather than just sending another appointment in the post, the team telephoned these patients to try and find out why they hadn’t attended their appointments.
You told us:
- You did not understand why you needed to see a dietitian as you had just been diagnosed with cancer and did not need to lose weight!
- You were overwhelmed by the amount of information and appointments you received immediately after diagnosis.
As a result of your feedback we have made the following changes:
- Developed an information sheet which is sent with the initial appointment letter explaining the importance of eating well (not necessarily healthily) during treatment. It also outlines the support that the Dietetic Service can offer.
- We try and see patients while they are attending other services at the hospital.
- We offer telephone reviews for patients who find it difficult to attend the clinic because of physical limitations due to their illness.
- Arrange home visits for housebound patients.
The Dietetic Service is currently reviewing the support provided to patients with a diagnosis of cancer. If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are accessing NHS Lanarkshire Dietetic Services please get in touch if you would like to be involved in a focus group. You should Contact Christine Brown, Lead Dietitian for Acute services on: 01698 366412.
If you have an experience of Dietetic Services you would like to share, please speak to a member of staff, respond on Patient Opinion, or visit the “Your Feedback” Section of the NHS Lanarkshire website to see the other ways to get in touch www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
What information do you need?
What information do you need? https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/23-images/c10ee3633fc04f5a91593f35bbe8ecdd.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Lanarkshire
Posted by Maureen Lees, Head of Profession, Dietetic Services, Beckford Street, NHS Lanarkshire, on
About: NHS Lanarkshire
Thanks for your feedback.