Hello from the Ipswich Hospital Maternity Department.
This is the first of many blogs from our maternity department and we plan on uploading monthly blogs for you to enjoy.
Ipswich maternity services provides care for women in East Suffolk and also for women who live slightly further afield but choose Ipswich as the hospital to provide their maternity care. Over 300 babies are born here every month either in the hospital under the care of a midwife, if everything is progressing normally or under the care of an obstetrician if a woman’s pregnancy or labour has some extra factors that require greater planning and observation.
Hospitals nationally collect data from women regarding their satisfaction of the care they receive, this data gives us vital feedback and helps us to provide women and their families patient centred care. This data also gives us the opportunity to improve services when necessary or if women have not felt their needs have been met. Involving women and their partners in their care at this significant time is very important to us and we are pleased that in May 99.4% of women who have completed our patient surveys say that they would recommend the care provided by Ipswich maternity services.
Last month several members of staff and families who have received care from the maternity department took part in a sponsored walk held at Jimmy’s farm. This walk was held to raise money for the Ipswich Hospital baby bereavement group.
We were all thrilled and humbled by everyone’s generous donations a total of £4,100 was raised, all the money raised will be used to support bereaved families and will be used to helping maintain the quiet room on Deben Ward. This room helps us to provide privacy for families and a comfortable environment. We will also be using the money raised for the ongoing supply of memory boxes and keepsakes for parents and families.
Thank you to all who gave generous donations and also to Jimmy’s farm for hosting us.
We hope you enjoy the sunshine and that pregnant women are managing to keep cool.
Best Wishes until next time.
Over 300 babies are born here every month...
Over 300 babies are born here every month... https://www.careopinion.cymru/content/uk/1/android-chrome-256x256.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
Posted by Dominic Mundy, Patient and Carer Experience Manager, Clinical Directorate, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust, on
About: Ipswich Hospital / Maternity care
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