Hello again from Ipswich Maternity Department, I hope this blog finds you all well.
I thought you might be interested in some of the statistics that we are required to report on each month. The maternity team at Ipswich Hospital all work incredibly hard to give the very best care we can and we are all extremely proud of the services we offer and the results that we obtain.
In July '15 342 babies were born under the care of Ipswich maternity services, this equates to a baby being born ever two hours. This summer we have had an unprecedented number of women booking to have their babies at Ipswich Hospital and July proved to be a very busy month indeed, on average there has been an extra baby a day born in July compared to previous months. We cannot wait to see how many babies we help to deliver here throughout August.
At the other end of the pregnancy our community midwives consistently manage to book women for maternity care before 13 weeks of pregnancy, this means the majority of pregnant women will have had their first appointment for assessment and history taking with their referral then being sent for care with Ipswich maternity Services.
The last statistic that I have for you this week is that the caesarean section rate here in July was 24.5%.
Goodbye until next time!
Baby Blog: 1 born every 2 hours
Baby Blog: 1 born every 2 hours https://www.careopinion.cymru/content/uk/1/android-chrome-256x256.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
Posted by Dominic Mundy, Patient and Carer Experience Manager, Clinical Directorate, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust, on
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