Who did we pass this story to?

Question from Care Opinion tech

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picture of James Munro

If you glance towards the top of any page on Patient Opinion, you'll see this: "We pass your stories to the right people to make a difference."

It's a bold claim - and it's also a vague one. What does it actually mean?

Well, it's vague because it's complicated, and we like to keep things simple if we can. Health services are organised differently in each country of the UK, and in some places we have more staff listening in more organisations than in other places. And, of course, things keep changing as health services get reorganised.

So to make things less vague, and more transparent, we recently added a link to every story on Patient Opinion: "Who has Patient Opinion told about this story?"

New link for each story

And if you follow this link, we'll show you who we told about the story.

If you are not logged in, it will look something like this:

Example notifications page

You can see who we tried to notify about the story (we don't always know if our email arrives), who then read the story, and who responded.

If you are logged in as a member of staff, we'll also tell you exactly who we have notified, within your organisation. We'll also tell you whether we notified you.

I hope you find this new feature helpful - and if you have ideas how we can do better, feel free to post a comment below.

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