Hi my name is,
Robert, I’m the Head of Profession for Podiatry Services.
Over the past four years the Podiatry Service has undertaken a modernisation programme to ensure we can meet the needs of the people of Lanarkshire.
Much of this work was informed by national policy but in the main it was informed by local knowledge of Lanarkshire people and their health needs. Our patients and their carers have been central to this re-design and development work.
We have held meetings with patients and relatives, conducted patient surveys and invited patients and carers to be part of working groups with healthcare staff to review particular elements of the service.
We are committed to providing person-centred care and considered the five “Must do with me” elements that drive person-centred care when conducting our review:
- What matters to you?
- Who matters to you?
- What information do you need?
- Nothing about me without me
- Personalised contact
You told us that we could:
- Improve our appointment scheduling
- Improve the information we provide about foot care and the availability of services
- Improve communication so that you know the department and healthcare staff to contact
We have changed our appointment scheduling to meet the needs of patients and carers. Later appointments are offered to patients who are dependent on others to help them prepare for an appointment; this applies to appointments at home or if attending NHS Lanarkshire premises.
We have introduced a centralised booking and referral service in the Clydesdale, Hamilton and Blantyre locality. We intend to introduce this service across Lanarkshire as it has:
- Improved communication with patients
- Improved attendance
- Reduced waiting times
We have developed and produced information leaflets about foot care which have been adopted for use throughout NHS Scotland.
We have also been working with North Lanarkshire Council to provide National Foot Care Guidance on the “Making Life Easier” website: www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk
This website provides information and advice about social care and health.
Our appointment letters now include clear information on who to contact and department opening times; as well as detailing what to bring along to appointments, such as medications, dressings, orthotics and walking aids.If you have an experience of Podiatry Services you would like to share, please speak to a member of staff, respond on Patient Opinion, or visit the “Your Feedback” Section of the NHS Lanarkshire website to see the other ways to get in touch www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
We are listening - Best foot forward
We are listening - Best foot forward https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/23-images/6dc8b92a21b249249f089475ca56ad25.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Lanarkshire
Posted by Robert Peat, Head of Profession, Podiatry Services, NHS Lanarkshire, on
About: NHS Lanarkshire
Thanks for your feedback.