Was your response helpful?

Question from Care Opinion tech

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picture of James Munro

If you're busy responding to stories on Patient Opinion, you might wonder whether your responses are hitting the spot. Are story authors finding your responses helpful - or unhelpful?

Authors (and others) can mark responses as helpful or unhelpful, and when they do, we can let you know, if you want. Here's how:

1: Go to your saved alerts

To see your saved alerts, log in and go to the "saved things" page.

2: Look at the first alert listed

The first alert listed is called "If I respond, alert me", and looks like this:

If I respond alert

Click on "available triggers" to see more ways we could alert you when you respond. You'll see this:

Alert triggers for when you respond

3: Add the triggers you want

Suppose you want to know if an author finds your response unhelpful: a good thing to know, since you might want to respond again to see if you can resolve things.

To have us alert you to this, just add the relevant trigger by clicking on the green "Add" button:

Alert me if my response is unhelpful

Of course, if you change your mind, you can remove this (red "Remove" button). Or you can have us alert you to anyone finding your response unhelpful, by clicking the text link in the trigger until it says what you want.

And we hope you found that helpful!

Until next time.

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