For this week’s blog we want to share something with you that we are really excited about and very proud of: our Ten Year Report. Patient Opinion is officially ten years old, and to celebrate we’ve created a report that explores how Patient Opinion has developed from idea to reality, with the help and support of hundreds of people.
The report is a wonderful resource for all involved in using Patient Opinion as it has insightful pieces from an array of people across the UK, including fellow subscribers, about how they use Patient Opinion, its role, and how they see the public voice as part of the future of improvement in health and social care.
To celebrate the launch of this report we are holding an event in association with Guardian Healthcare Professionals Network in London this Thursday 19th November called “The Power of Connection: How Networked Citizen Voice is Changing Health and Social Care”. The event participants and panellists will bring diverse perspectives and will include patient leaders, professionals, policy makers, academics and activists from across the UK, who like us, are committed to improving health and social care.
The report will be available online for everyone to read this Friday and we really hope that our report will inspire you.
If you’d like to follow the event and news about our report and our 10 year celebration, please follow the hashtag #POCO10 on twitter. We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions about our report and we also want to say a big THANKYOU for supporting us in our 10th year.
Patient Opinion’s 10 Year Report
Patient Opinion’s 10 Year Report https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/41-images/c94d25d99227433b8e1a3d3bf6a7eae3.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Subscriber Support Team
Posted by Cally Bowman, Support and Social Media Officer, Care Opinion, on
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