Hello my name is
I am proud to say that Wishaw General Hospital is the first hospital in Scotland to sign-up to “John’s Campaign”.
Support from family and carers’ is essential for anyone to live well with dementia. It is well recognised that an admission to hospital for someone with dementia can be a stressful and disorientating experience. John’s Campaign” is a request for both access and recognition for carers to be welcomed on hospital wards at any time.
Our pledge:
Senior Charge Nurse Karen Wilson recognised the invaluable contribution that family and carers offer, simply by being there. They are also able to reassure patients who are disorientated, encourage them to eat and drink, participate in activities and help reduce feelings of anxiety, loneliness, isolation and often depression.
Karen had already been encouraging families and carers into Ward 12 to support their loved ones beyond the recognised “Flexible” visiting times and encouraged colleagues to move to “Open” visiting”.
You can find out more information about John’s Campaign at www.johnscampaign.org.uk
We have now introduced “Open” visiting throughout Wishaw General Hospital.
Julia Jones (co-founder) of John’s Campaign visited us on 7 December 2015 for our official launch and was delighted to meet staff, patients, their families and carers. She was particularly interested to see and hear about how we welcome carers in “Emergency receiving” areas.
The Emergency Care Unit can be a very busy and noisy place with patients and staff moving around regularly with equipment. This can make patients living with dementia feel anxious, frightened and vulnerable. Getting accurate information during the assessment process on admission to hospital helps to inform what treatment and care we can provide. The information and advice provided about what matters to people with dementia, or those who have a cognitive impairment is vital as it then enables us to provide person-centred care.
We recognise that the loved ones of patients with dementia know the patient best and we are committed to including them in planning care right from the outset. We encourage carers to be present and assist with the initial examination and assessment and now welcome them throughout the day or night so that they can be involved in all aspects of their care plan.
We have also purchased a number of reclining chairs for use by carers who wish to stay with their loved one overnight.
If you have an experience of Wishaw General Hospital you would like to share please speak to a member of staff, respond on Patient Opinion, or visit the “Your Feedback” Section of the NHS Lanarkshire website to see the other ways to get in touch www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
We are listening – to John’s Campaign
We are listening – to John’s Campaign https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/23-images/e2493b4ad5594f00bccff9a04a0ee8c5.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Lanarkshire
Posted by Gillian McAuley, Chief of Nursing Services, University Hospital Wishaw, NHS Lanarkshire, on
About: NHS Lanarkshire
Response from Shaun Maher, Strategic Advisor, Healthcare Quality and Improvement, Scottish Government on 17 Dec 2015 at 09:05
Hi Gillian
This is great work, thank you for sharing.
Since you started your family friendly work have you noticed any changes relating to falls rate, complaints, or anything else?
I'd love to come and find out more - can I come and visit?
All the best
Response from Maureen Dobbin, Service Manager Maternity & Neonates, University Hospital Wishaw, NHS Lanarkshire on 17 Dec 2015 at 17:29
Hi Shaun,It's early days regarding the open visiting with John's Campaign but we believe this will have a significant impact on the areas you have mentioned. The ward staff have really embraced this approach.Gillian is on annual leave at the moment but we would be delighted for you to come and visit. If you would like to contact June McPartland on 01698 366002 she would be happy to arrange this for you. Best Wishes Maureen