We were at the Person Centred Health and Care Celebrating Excellence (#pchccel) event last week, hosting a stand and participating in some sessions.
It's been difficult for people to get to grips with the NHS "person centred" quality ambition over the last few years. Although also challenging to achieve, the other two ambitions "safe" and "effective" feel a bit easier to get a hold of: to quantify, measure and demonstrate improvement.
However, it's happened or should that be happening! People are doing some great things out there encouraged by the drive towards becoming person centred. Check out the event hashtag (#pchccel) to get a flavour of activity. The "pink and fluffy" quality ambition is no longer so pink or so fluffy!
Professor Jason Leitch, Clinical Quality Director, Scottish Government (@jasonleitch) explained that he thinks there are three things which can make a difference to the future of person centred care. One of those is exposing patient's experiences. We agree!
We used the event to ask participants why #feedbackmatters. Here's a selection of respondents:-
They are a bit tricky to make out - photography not my strong point, clearly! Here's a helping hand....
Fiona McQueen (@fionacmcqueen), Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government who gave the keynote speech at the event told us #feedbackmatters because "without it we can't improve".
#feedbackmatters because
"it guides the development of services" - Kenny Murray, Physio Team Lead, NHS Lanarkshire
"improvement can only happen when everyone's voice is heard" - Diane Graham, Person centred care improvement advisor, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
"to know we are getting it right for patients and carers" - Catriona Addison, SCN Gynaecology, NHS Forth Valley
And from Louise Ewing, Patient Relations Manager at NHS Fife, a poem no less!
#feedbackmatters because...
Every single thing you sayAnd everything we do (or don'tDemonstrates the value we placeOn folks like me and youSo, stop and listen to the talkThen, importantly act on what's saidAnd if you're not willing to do thatThen best you stay in bed!!!
We like that a lot!
It was a great event and really encouraging to see the progress and enthusiasm of everyone involved.
(We've lots more photos to share but I am feeling somewhat thwarted by our Flickr password today. Check back when I've had a weekend to work it out! ;-))
#feedbackmatters https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/4-images/57a0f5eb86a84a248b22ecbaf517dbaf.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion, on
About: NHS Scotland
Thanks for your feedback.