Patient Opinion at NESTA Innovation Edge Conference 2008 - James Munro Interview

Update from Care Opinion

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Last month, Patient Opinion’s own James Munro attended NESTA’s flagship conference The Innovation Edge.  NESTA supports innovation across the UK, and have generous in providing their enthusiasm, time, expertise and funding in support of Patient Opinion’s expansion to cover mental health services across England.

James was interviewed at the event, where he spoke about Patient Opinion and more specifically, the mental health pilot with the 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust in Warrington. When asked about the potential difficulties which can be experienced in making changes in a monolithic bureaucracy like the NHS, James noted that sometimes improvements at ward level were easier than making wider organisational changes.  My experiences support this – the closer you get to the frontline, the more you are likely to make a difference to patient care.

The video contains some really key messages about what Patient Opinion is doing, and emphasises that improving care should start with the patients and users of the NHS

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