Hello my name is,
Gillian Ogden,
I am the Clinical Manager of Planned Care .
We are really keen to hear what our patients think about Endoscopy Services here in Fife and want to make the most of Patient Opinion.
We’ve displayed our banners, laid out some Patient Opinion info cards and encouraged our patients to post on Patient Opinion (when we remembered) and waited for the posts to come…..It hasn’t happened!
We do really want to hear what people have to say.
In an effort to increase stories we know we need to get our staff on board so, we have asked them to think of specific questions that we can ask our patients and their relatives about their Endoscopy experience. We’re going to use the direct ask flyer suggested by Patient Opinion to ask these questions.
Just to get us started we have also asked that Patient Opinion’s very own lovely Natalie pays us a visit to really spread the Patient Opinion word.
We are looking forward to seeing how we can make our service even better and to sharing how we’ve done that.
We want to hear what people have to say
We want to hear what people have to say https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/47-images/78490dd5b1164568a1d2735e606f0c8a.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Fife
Posted by Gillian Ogden, Head of Nursing, Planned Care, NHS Fife, on
About: Victoria Hospital (Kirkcaldy)
Thanks for your feedback.