Peaks Involvement Meeting

Update from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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On behalf of Peaks Involvement patient representatives.

We all met again on 22nd June as planned. New developments have been proposed to assist patients with their Recovery journey.  All of these are to be taken forward and will include development of a Peaks Sensory Garden to allow a safe space for reflection. Patients will establish a working party with staff to plan this.  The Horticulture area is planning a Garden Party in August which will provide the patients to showcase the new Allotment Project!  A Meditation Group has also be asked for by patients and this will be explored so watch this space!  Also, a fantastic performance by the newly elected Chairperson.....

Response from Jane Danforth, Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust on

This work is invaluable to help Rampton patients. The partnership with Rampton staff, patients and the Involvement Team is helping patients views to be heard and communicated to a wider audience.  

How about adding a blog post from a patient Sue? You can post it on their behalf as I realise Rampton patients have no access to IT but they will be able to read blogs if printed out and placed on notice boards.

Blogs could also be added as agenda items to meetings and the progress of this work could be captured plus any new ideas and suggestions can be discussed on blogs. Comments from patients can also be added. I look forward to hearing more about the work of the patient reps.

This blog post is closed to responses.